Monday, June 26, 2017

Dynamics GP–Combine Multiple Budgets into a Master Budget

Figure 1 – Budget Maintenance window in Dynamics GP
You can combine multiple General Ledger budgets into a single, master budget, one budget at a time. The master budget can be completely new and have its own budget ID, or it can be one of the two original budgets. This feature is helpful when multiple departments in your organization create their own budgets, which must then be consolidated. The new Combine Budgets window simplifies this process.
Figure 2 – Combine Budgets window in Dynamics GP
After you have completed the Combine Budgets process, you can use the Budget Selection window (Financial >> Cards >> Financial >> Budgets) to view all budgets in the system, including budgets created in Excel and imported into Microsoft Dynamics GP.
For more information on Dynamics GP or to ask questions about how we can help you with a Dynamics ERP implementation, send an email to or call us at Toll Free:  +1.780-555-6144.
Submitted by Judith Hirst CPA, CMA MCP Senior Financial Analyst

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