Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Dynamics GP 2016 R2 - Accounts Payable Module Improvements



The Accounts Payable module has seen some great improvements in the handling of company credit card payments. Dealing with credit cards is often one of the more challenging aspects of working in accounts payable. The new functionality available in Dynamics GP for use with credit card payments will help with this.

A payables batch credit card payment option will allow the payment of cheque batches with a credit card. An invoice will be created for the credit card vendor and a remittance form will provide access to detailed data on the vendor invoices paid using the credit card. A link between the credit card invoice and the original vouchers is established making it easy to trace credit card payments in the system.

Other accounts payable improvements include:

- The prepayment of a purchase order can now consist of the total amount including taxes, freight, and misc. charges instead of being limited to the subtotal amount of the PO.

- The SafePay file now uses the actual vendor name printed on the cheque when the payment was made and not the default name from the vendor maintenance window which will ensure the correct data is relayed to the bank for payment presentation.

- Batch approval workflows now have default word templates for edit lists to be emailed to approvers and supply them with complete information about the transactions in the batch.

Submitted by Terence Graw CPA, CMA – Consultant

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